Friday, April 07, 2006


It is Friday! I love Fridays! For some reason, Friday is almost everyone's favorite day. Maybe it has to do with not having to face work for a whole two days. I have always felt bad for those that have to work on the weekends. They have to work when the rest of us get to play. This weekend, I am looking forward to relaxing and getting rid of whatever crud has settled itself into my lungs.

I know in most parts of the country, spring is about to sprout. But, here in Texas, we are about 90 degrees today and that feels like summer to me. I would love to spend the weekend outside sitting in the grass.....oh wait, the fire ants. Texans do not ever go into the grass because the Texas-sized fire ants.

Back to spring....the weather is wonderful. Jonathan even went swimming in our pool yesterday. Summer is on the way....

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