Thursday, October 26, 2006


I'm disappointed this on every channel! Ugh! I was hoping for some great laughs tonight, but alas, I will have to wait until next week. Not to mention....we came home to ants. Creepy crawly things all over our kitchen floor. Jonathan had to secure some ant traps and I vacuumed up all the little horrible creatures I could. Tomorrow is another day...and our first little baby shower! So exciting! I just had a thought, Payton will probably love little bugs, like ants!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

6 months

We have finally reached our 6 month appointment! Payton is doing well and so we are well on our way. After our appointment next month, we will be going every two weeks. The countdown is on. Kinda scary as we really don't have anything for him yet, but I'm excited to meet him. His kicks are continuing to be very strong and I'm pretty sure he will be a soccer player. Jon is in the middle of his fall semester of school and is doing well in his classes. I'm continuing to work full time, but would love to go to part-time. On the side, I have been doing a complete cleaning out of all of our stuff, trying to make room for the baby. Also, I have been scapbooking and trying to get caught up with all my pictures. Staying busy as most people do...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hanging On

Today is one of those days that you just have to hang on and get yanked through. Nothing terrible happened, but I just felt blah about the whole day. Most of my days have been filled with joy lately, that I day without just seems so.....

We've been watching Lost on DVD and we're enjoying it. The whole situation just seems so weird because I can't quite figure out what is going on for sure. Everyone seems to have their theories.

Payton is still growing and from what I can tell, will be a very strong little man. Once a week or so, the extra weight of carrying a baby throws my back out. Jon has had to help me get up and get around as just standing makes me cry. Tomorrow, I will be back at my strengthening exercises. And, Lord willing, I will be at our ladies' Bible study in which we are going through a wonderful Beth Moore series.