Tuesday, June 13, 2006


There are so many people getting married right now! My cousin got married a couple weeks ago; my friend, Dawn, is getting married this weekend; Jon's cousin is getting married in a couple weeks. Yikes! I was beginning to think that most of our friends were already married, only to have more pop up. Nothing like finding friends....just kidding. To all those that have yet to tie that infamous knot:

1. Marriage is the best!
2. Marriage can be the worst. Pick the man/women that God has for you and lay you marriage at His feet. Imperfect people can't make this union work, but God can. Everyone disagrees, but make sure you mend those fences.
3. Enjoy your spouse and compliment the things they do well.
4. Encourage them in their walk with the Lord and with their goals and dreams.
5. Set aside time for yourselves (together and individually). Have friends of the same sex that you can do stuff with. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. But, get away with your spouse. Jon and I have enjoyed time in Dallas and San Antonio and have grown closer during these times.

Two and a half years has not made me an expert, by any means. Count on the counsel of your parents and other godly couples. Forget February, June is the month for love!

1 comment:

Cindy Swanson said...

We thank God continually that He blessed Jon with such an awesome wife! :)